This Friday, we planned an activity for family history. We’re inviting all members, investigators and contacts to come and participate, to know and find their ancestors, “their family." We’re surely hoping to find some new investigators for that. Honestly for the long last while, there haven’t been many investigators to teach, so were mainly focused on that, its definitely hard, but very necessary.
I’ve also been learning more about the importance of studying the scriptures and having doctrinal knowledge. It helps us grow spiritually so much. The more we knowledge we have, the more we can understand God’s plan for us and how to implement it into our lives and help others. Gospel knowledge rocks, haha!
Here’s a cool scripture I read this week, I put it in Spanish so you guys can have fun with that!: “Los angeles hablan por el poder del Espiritu Santo; por lo que declaran las palabras de Cristo. Por tanto, os dije: Deleitaos en las palabras de Cristo; porque he aqui, las palabras de Cristo os diran todas las cosas que debeis hacer.” - 2 Nefi 32:3
Well, que tengan una buena semana!!!
Mmm, looks scrumptious! Ha ha