After teaching the Plan of Salvation so many times, I understand more clearly God´s love for each of us as His family. I explained to her that it was the Holy Ghost she was feeling testifying to her of these things. She told us she´s gone to many churches before, but that something was always pulling her to come here, and she feels something special every time.
It was a great experience. We also invited her to baptism at the end which she accepted. She said that when I began speaking, it was as if my words struck her, or that they were the words she needed to here. In the moment, I remembered Elder Eyring´s last conference talk in Priesthood session when he asks ¨would anyone use the phrase ´ministering of angels´to describe my priesthood service?¨ I related myself with that in the moment. Christ´s church is upon the earth with God´s restored Priesthood. We are His servants here to bring the salvation unto all men. I testify that this is true, that God always knows the best way, and that He has a plan for all of us!
I loved what you said in this post about sharing the Gospel with others. Laura sounds like another wonderful investigator.