August 22, 2016
This week went swell. Normal, quick, and good. Most importantly, we had another baptism on Thursday, Fabiola, the daughter of Gabriella. Woohoo, now my fourth baptism. Things are movin' along. We have 26 people that are in our teaching, or enseƱanza. Some are progressing really fast, and others, not at all.
This past week, we talked to Jehovahs witnesses, who were sitting down on a bench in the garden, passing out pamphlets. We talked with them for almost 2 hours. Crazy things they believe is, God doesn't have a body, there are only 144000 people who will be saved in the heavens, there are no prophets today, and families are not forever. Wow, we shared a lot, asked a lot, and talked a lot. Many people saw us talking, and I can only guess what they were thinking, haha. But it was a cool experience, a little strong at times, but nothing harmful.
One cool experience I had was when we taught Martin, and Martina. They're living together, he's 29, and she's 48, and they have problems with the word of wisdom. We were teaching them about prayer and Joseph Smith, I spoke a lot, and I felt the spirit so strong there. I teared up as I shared experiences, scriptures, etc.
That day in specific, I thought earlier, If God already knows everything, and whats going to happen in the world, why do we need to pray to him and ask for help or blessings when he already knows whats going to happen? I prayed for help, and right in my prayer, I realized that we pray to SHOW OUR FAITH. To obey His commandments, and be faithful to Him. That was a pretty cool experience!